明治25年(1892)、慶應義塾体育会は剣術・柔術・野球・端艇・ 弓術・操練・徒歩の7部をもって創設されました。「先ず獣身を成して而して後に人心を養う」という言葉に代表されるように、慶應義塾の創設者である福沢諭吉は、体育教育の重要性にいち早く注目した人物でもあったのです。慶應義塾体育会は激動の20世紀の中で、日本スポーツ界の先導的役割を果たすとともに、文字通り「文武両道」の優秀な人材を各方面に輩出してきました。(歴史|慶應義塾体育会より引用)
The Keio University Athletic Association was established in 1892 with the 7 clubs of swordsmanship (kenjutsu), jujutsu, baseball, boating, Japanese archery, drills and walking as its first members. As can be extrapolated from his words, “First build up the body of a beast, then cultivate the heart of a human”, Keio University founder FUKUZAWA Yukichi was one of the first educators to realize the importance of physical education. During the turbulent 20th century, the Keio University Athletic Association played a leading role in the Japanese sports scene and produced talented individuals in various professions who were “accomplished in both scholarship and sports”.
(Source: History and Timeline|Keio University Athletic Association)
The Keio University Yagami Tennis Club is an organization established by the Keio University Athletic Association in accordance with Article 49 of the Keio University Athletic Association Constitution. Students who are admitted to the club are treated as members of the Keio University Athletic Association according to Article 5.1 of the same Article, and are entitled to various privileges during their school years, including management and priority use of the Keio University Yagami Campus Tennis Courts. Since its establishment in April 1941 as the Fujiwara Institute of Technology Training Club (now Keio University Athletic Association, Yagami) Tennis Club, our club has been a leader in the world of tennis, shining both in Japan and abroad, and has produced outstanding individuals in various fields. We will continue to pursue the ideal of being a leader in all of society, combining elegance, wisdom, and virtue.
The history of our club is described in detail in the “Keio University Yagami Tennis Club 75th Anniversary Magazine” (PDF). Please click on the PDF button below to download the magazine.